Thursday, January 28, 2010

the one with lemon crap

Well if you don't know me you'll soon find out there are certain things I love and cleanses are one of them! Seriously I have done a good amount and the one that I am trying to overcome is the master cleanse. I did 5 days the first time and 7 days the next soooo this time I am going to do the full 10 days which I can not wait I've been prepping my body for the past couple of days and will start it on Saturday.

I love the way my body feels when I do it. Plus as the new year starts I physically and emotionally don't wanna carry around waste. I just feel like we always carry something and I like to start the year right.

You pretty much drink lemonade and I don't like lemonade so things will have to change it to a love of the lemon juice. People may think I'm a little crazy but I can literally say I love doing cleanses.

On another note this past weekend was Awakening and Reformation Tour and I got to go. I never really enjoy conferences and only go to the night services but this one was different for me. I found myself wanting to be there the whole time! so I did. It wasn't like this was my favorite band or that they play my favorite songs but it was just a changing happening and I wanted to be apart of it. Well I really was just praying and I finally was like God I want my dreams again.... there was just a time where I haven't been dreaming and I missed them and sure enuff 2 days of some crazy dreams.

One of them was were there was alot of warfare going on and I certain things were just so clear and some not but I mean it was very much matrix! lol also the crazy thing about it I woke up at 4am and got up got some water and used the restroom and went back to bed and continued my dream right where I left off! which rarely happens to me.
But there is defiantly something brewing and I know God's got big plans for us all....
100days. crap.

until next time

Monday, January 18, 2010

The one with lots of Friends.

Am I a good friend? What makes a good friend? talking? Love? Questions? Mistakes? Spenging time with them?

I spent the better part of my weekend with a lot of best friends, new friends and good friends. So my mind was in friend mood. I recently had a friend tell me in the nicest way but still because I didn’t ask certain questions about her life (or a certain part of it) I was missing out on something in her life. Which immediately I thought “she thinks I’m a bad friend” she didn’t say that but I felt that she might as well have.

It got me thinking about certain friends I have from junior high, high school, thru other friends, church friends and others. Have I ever thought of asking them what I could do to be a better friend? Or what do they need of me? What can I bring to the table? I have hurt some friends because of my past and by the grace of the Lord we push through things and have come to value are friendship more and more each day. So she is someone definitely that we have to communicate a lot more for it to work. But do I do the same with others? So I called one of my best friends and straight up ask her. She talked me through some stuff and said that she knows that I’m not really the sensitive type and understands that (pretty much I’m not the nicest person in the world which I know) but that she doesn’t think less of me as a friend because of it. Now I know she loves me for who I am and never judges me and always wil love me even if I mess up... I mean really what else can a girl ask for but that!

I mean I personaly would rather have the 10 good/great friends that I have than 500 friends. They test me keep me true to who I am, make me a better person, push me even make me wanna be nicer :)
I don't want my relationships to be one sided where they take all the time or even I take all the time. I have experience those ones where they take and take and it got real old real quick.
So this year I just hope that with commucation I will do whatever I can to be a better friend.

shout out to all you girls who make me a better person and push me to do what I was created for. You all are amazing and I don't take any of you for granted! never!

It's been real but time for me to go and enjoy the show so I hope you enjoyed my flow because one day its going to explode..... shark sugar out.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well I did it! I finally got a blog!... be proud everyone. thus the link.. "angietwhereub" I thought it was catchy.
I haven't been writing as much as I would like and I honestly have been too busy to even write down dreams and such. I have always wanted one and I needed some change in my life due to I wanted this year 2010 to be different with new mindsets and new things.
I'll call this the introduction blog with some dreams and just wants I have for this year. SO with that I'm just going to put down 20 things.
ps. no judgement on grammatical and spelling please it's usually because I mean it in that way.

  1. to go deeper in the book Revelations
  2. to cook more
  3. to learn to salsa and waltz
  4. to run 5 miles with out stopping
  5. to learn "rappers delight"
  6. to get into shape
  7. to see God's goodness in my families lives
  8. for my little brother and older sister to have baby :)
  9. to go on a few dates
  10. to live in a house
  11. get a puppy dog
  12. go to New York, California, Kansas City and many more
  13. go over seas
  14. get a tattoo
  15. learn to speak Spanish
  16. spend more time with my family
  17. learn more about the physician recruitment (where I work)
  18. budget better
  19. learn how to do taxes
  20. and last to become more confident in myself and to laugh and smile more.

until next time.

ang:e t.

PS. if anyone wants to help me set up the blog more to my personality please help.